Business Intelligence & Analytics

Step Into A Data-Driven World Increase Operational Profitability

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Harness Business Intelligence, Gain Actionable Insights And Level-up Your Decision-making.

Business intelligence solutions retrieve, process, analyze and report data to enable structured data-driven decision-making across a company, which provides integration of multiple data sources. As an experienced provider of business intelligence solutions, Digination integrates multi-source data and applies analytics techniques to automatically extract insights from input records.

BI software enables business groups to make future forecasting using predictive analytics capabilities. Ultimately, today’s business intelligence software tools allow companies to analyze different types of data, including external, unstructured, and multi-structured data sets.

Data Integration

Data Warehousing


Key Business Metrics

Reinforcing Accuracy & Confidence

Self & Guided Analytics



Extract insights from the data you are collecting and turn it into profits and valuable information.


Gain a competitive advantage throughout Business Intelligence services for data integration (ETL), in-memory analytics, and innovative reporting.


Reporting using self-service tools that allow business users to be independent from IT departments.


A Data Warehouse or Data Lake is a critical part of the data processing ecosystem as it controls data integration and complex master data management processes.


The better data integration, harmonization, and quality delivered – the more advanced, reliable, and insightful analysis is possible.


Implement data management and data analytics inside your institution using different platforms like Microsoft, Google, AWS, Oracle, and Open Source technologies.


Reliable data analysis and reporting will guide you to faster and more consistent growth.


Reliable Data For All - Deliver Readily Consumable And Governed Data To Your Teams Anytime And Anywhere!

Our experts combine data from your applications, systems, databases, etc. into a unified view, equipping your business with the tools needed to manage the data originating from these sources.

There’s no one-size-fits-all approach to a data integration strategy.

Bring Your Data Home

Connect and manage all your data, no matter where it lives. Easily develop and deploy reusable data pipelines with a drag-and-drop interface that’s 10 times faster than hand-coding.

Manage Larger Data Sets

Scale massive data sets to advanced data analytics, providing data warehouses, and analytics platforms.

Stop Bad Data Before It Happens

With DigiNation, data quality is embedded into every step of the data integration processes. Discover, highlight, and fix issues as data moves through your systems, before inconsistencies can disrupt or impact crucial decisions.

Connect To Data Where It Lives

Access data behind secure firewalls, locked in data centers, or in secure cloud environments, even if you have unique security or regulatory needs.

Data Warehouse

Data Warehousing is the ideal way to physically centralize the data and simplify the logic for its consumption to enabling Enterprises towards Data observation and automated Data Pipelines for operational and business data-centric experiences. Layer by layer, starting with a business stakeholder strategy, Digination builds the best-of-breed solution for gathering, organizing, storing data and turning it into a shared decision-making asset.

ETL Design & Development

Data Modelling & Data Mapping

 Master Data Management

 Online Analytical Processing (OLAP)

Extract, Transform, and Load!

DigiNation provides custom warehouse development services to help businesses improve data aggregation, storage, processing, and analysis. Our expertise includes Extract, Transform, and Load (ETL) patterns, data marts, 360-degree view systems, offering DWH modernization and upgrading according to your business specific needs.

Build ETL pipelines to prepare data for reporting and analysis, and to load batches to the data warehouse quickly and with a high quality level.

Key Business Metrics

Judge The Performance Level of Your Business!

Tracking the metrics that are most important to your business — and managing operations based on the results — maximizes the business’s chances of success.


Performance Improvement

Tracking the right business metrics tells you how well or poorly the business is doing and provides direction for how to improve operations.

Comparative Analysis

Tracking business metrics reveals whether the business is over- or underperforming on key industry benchmarks.

Identifying Problems

Analyzing business metrics can help identify emerging problems in time to correct them before they become major pain points.


Business metrics can be used to ensure the entire company is working toward shared organizational goals.


Mandates to track certain business metrics from governmental and other regulatory agencies require companies to monitor them to stay in compliance.


Reporting business metrics is a vital communications tool for customers, shareholders, employees or society at large.

Reinforcing Accuracy & Confidence

Judge The Performance Level of Your Business!

Real-time Response and Decision Making

Dedicated data reporting & analytics software solutions complement the reporting and creation of new data, making it easier to monitor dependencies and patterns, forecast prices and revenue for optimum ROI, meet market demands, and more as they help assess the challenges that need to be addressed using data analytics.


Digination with its vast knowledge base in creating embedded analytics solutions for businesses, can support in improving any institution performance by leveraging forecasting, optimization algorithms, easy integrations and data-based decision trees.

With its expertise in building self-service business intelligence systems, Digination designs and builds user-friendly dashboards that gather information from disparate sources and convert it into critical reports and analytical insights.

Self & Guided Analytics

Serve All Types Of Users And Use Cases, From Data To Insight

Support All The Analytics Users And Use Cases Across Your Organization, Within A Governed Multi-cloud Architecture

Self Service Visualization And Discovery

Guided Analytics Apps And Dashboards

Custom And Embedded Analytics

Reporting & Insights

Mobile Analytics

Conversational Analytics

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From Self Service To Centralized Analytics

Easily navigate with point-and-click or drag-and-drop features, using dashboard with intuitive, interactive access to information and offer guided, step-by-step navigation and built-in functionality so that customization is not required. DigiNation’s BI Solutions give users a choice of doing a task themselves or employing automation to handle it. Users also will have a full control to load their data and analyze it from any angle to uncover issues and new opportunities.

How BI Solutions Boost Performance and Growth?

Empower Everyone To Explore And Search Freely, Without Boundaries

Measure And Keep Track of Everything

Capture and analyze your organization’s online and offline data streams in real-time via a single environment. Using data visualization, tailored dashboards, you can decompose complex goals, and shift employees’ focus on determinants that drive tangible results.

Business Insight Mining

Identify patterns and unobvious correlations, understand reasons for your ups and downs, and gather actionable insights on customer behavior, employees’ performance, suppliers, and partners interactions.

Trends Capturing And Forecasting

Analyze historical and real-time data for better estimation, resource planning, and rapid response to changing market conditions. In contrast to traditional analysis approaches, intelligent data analytics has much higher accuracy and faster response time.

Self-service Business Intelligence

Access data and create visually rich dashboards, insightful reports, custom alerts to detect anomalies and spot trends. Having quick access to data in one place enables employees to use BI daily, reduce time-to-insight, and eliminate IT or data analyst bottlenecks.